Oil on canvas, 50cm X 70cm
Hera , the wife of Zeus decreed that Aphrodite should marry Haephestus ,the god of art and craft in order to avoid the conflict and hostility that was developing amongst other gods that yearned for Aphrodite's hand in marriage. .Haephestus, although a very talented and good natured god was not young or handsome and also had various physical frailties . The arranged marriage went ahead , but Aphrodite secretly fell for the more attractive , hot headed ,virile Ares , the god of war . Haephestus gathered that the two were having an illicit love affair and with his immortal skills devised an invisible net made of bronze and waited hidden, to catch them in the act . As he pulled the lever , he trapped them both and invited the rest of the gods to amuse themselves as he exhibited the ensnared lovers..........