Vinyl on canvas , 40cm X 50cm
In the beginning there was chaos; a whirling mass of nothing.From chaos , Gaia (The mother earth) naturally emerged.Her son, Uranus (sky) created the earth and all the plants and animals upon it . Gaia also gave birth to many other immortals including the three headed giants, and her beloved children, the one eyed monsters called the Cyclops.The Cyclops were loathed by Uranus and he banished them into Hades , the underworld.Mother earth bore Uranus twelve more children including Oceanus , Cronus and Rhea who where known as the Titans.Because of the harsh treatment meted out to her earlier children the Cyclops ,Gaia never forgave Uranus.She persuaded the Titans to take their revenge.Cronus ,the youngest of the Titans led them and attacked Uranus wounding him fatally .Cronus now ruled the gods with Rhea as his wife.However , his was an uneasy reign, for as Uranus breathed his last , he prophesised that one of Cronus's sons would one day overthrow him and take his place as king of the gods............
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